Another Question: Do you know about the 11 Forgotten Laws? If you wear a puzzled frown on your face, you are at the right place.
In a nutshell, for the Law of Attraction to function at its optimum, there are 10 other Laws which have to operate together harmoniously. All these Laws are introduced by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey in a comprehensive program called the 11 Forgotten Laws.
This article gives an overview of the first 2 Laws from the 11 Forgotten Laws, The Law of Thinking and The Law of Supply, explaining what is it and what else will you get when you invest in Bob Proctor’s 11 Forgotten Laws Program.
The Law Of Thinking
The Law of Thinking highlights to us how Powerful our thoughts are, and how can we harness this powerful force to make it work for us. Arising from whatever thoughts we have, that is what will show up in our lives. So whether it’s a fulfilling meaningful life or a difficult struggling life – it’s simply a reflection of our thoughts.
Some essential components you will gain from the Law of Thinking Program:
- Identify what are real/power thoughts, and get in touch with your subconscious.
- Learn a simple nature-inspired activity of how to quickly develop organized discipline thoughts.
- Learn how to change your sub-conscious beliefs into powerful positive thoughts.
- Tools to free yourself from destructive thought patterns instilled when you were young.
- Differentiate between superficial thought and deep authentic thinking and learn how to develop this type of thinking ability.
- Acquire a simple strategy to erase ANTs (automatic negative thoughts).
- Breakthrough self-defeating patterns that keep you stuck in your rut.
- Shown a step by step blueprint on how to set crystal clear goals.
The Law of Supply
The Law of Supply tells us The Universe is the source of all supply and hence, there is no shortage to meet all our needs. There will be available resources to create whatever we want, so long as we demand for it. The take home point is, you must first demand before the supply is revealed to you.
Examples of How the Law of Supply Works
Case #1
Raw materials are available to construct a plane. But only when we fathom this form of transport is possible, could a demand be formed. We then become aware of the supply (raw materials) to construct the plane.
Case #2
A poor farmer works hard on his barren plot of land. When he was offered a fabulous price for the land he sold it and bought another plot and continued to toil and work hard. However, what he didn’t realize was his original land has abundant supply of oil. Because he didn’t know how to tap onto this resource that God has given him, he remains poor.
So, change your mindset from Scarcity Mindset to Abundance Mindset. There is enough for everyone – supply is unlimited. There are rich doctors and poor doctors. There are rich hotel owners and poor hotel owners. The only difference is adopting the proper thinking and mindset.
Other fundamentals you will gain from the Law of Supply Program:
- Learn how to tap into the supply that is already available.
- Discover powerful techniques how to turn your annual income into your monthly income.
- Exploit the “Michael Phelps secret” to accelerate your own personal and professional advancement.
- Acquire a simple technique to dramatically increase your power to attract what you want (your magnetism).
The Law of Thinking and the Law of Supply are the first 2 laws of the 11 Forgotten Laws Program by Bob Proctor. Its teachings work successfully for those who are willing to put in their time, effort and commitment. I hope you found this overview valuable.
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