Ideally, you’ll hire a lawyer to represent you in wrongful termination, personal injury, or another type of dispute. An attorney may be able to gather documents, depose witnesses and take other actions to help you obtain a favorable outcome in your case. Let’s take a look at how you can find a Corpus Christi lawyer who can serve as an effective advocate throughout the legal process.
Talk to Multiple Attorneys Before Making a Hiring Decision
It’s not uncommon for an attorney to boast about the various awards that he or she has won. It’s also not uncommon for legal advisers to talk about the millions of dollars that they have won for previous clients. However, the truth is that most awards that attorneys talk about in their advertising materials aren’t given to them based on their accomplishments.
Instead, they are often given to those who are willing to make donations to local, regional, and national trade groups. Furthermore, prior results do not guarantee any particular outcome in your case. Therefore, the fact that a legal professional won millions for a past client is irrelevant when determining how much you may be entitled to in your case.
The best way to determine if an attorney meets your needs is to meet with that person in his or her office. This is because it allows you to determine if you have a rapport with a prospective legal representative. It also allows you to ask questions about how this person would handle your case. Ideally, you’ll talk to multiple legal representatives before making a hiring decision. In many cases, lawyers won’t charge for an initial consultation.
An Attorney May Refer You to a Colleague
Attorneys have an ethical obligation to tell you if they cannot meet their needs. In such a scenario, they will typically give you the name of someone who may be in a better position to help you. For example, let’s say that you accidentally scheduled a consultation with a personal injury attorney when you need someone to handle a bankruptcy case. In such a scenario, that person might refer you to someone who specializes in bankruptcy cases.
Seek Referrals From Those Involved in Legal Matters Similar to Yours
Let’s say that your former business partner has recently sued you for breach of contract. Let’s also say that you have a close friend who recently obtained a favorable outcome in a breach of contract case. It may be in your best interest to find out who represented that friend in his or her matter. There is no guarantee that this legal professional is the right person to represent your interests. However, it does provide you with a starting point in your quest to find a quality legal adviser.
A quality attorney may be able to help you avoid spending time in jail after being charged with DUI, drug possession, or some other crime. A legal adviser may also be able to help you obtain maximum compensation in a personal injury case. If you are the defendant in a civil suit, a lawyer may be able to get the case dismissed before it goes to trial. Therefore, it’s generally in your best interest to find a competent adviser even if it may require paying a sizable sum to do so.
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