Collaborative Divorce: Is It True for You?

Studies show that most couples who choose a collaborative divorce ends in a positive resolution. Collaborative divorce works and that is why many estranged spouses consider this option. Keep reading to know what to expect in this type of divorce and how it can result in an amicable agreement that can benefit all parties involved.

You Don’t Have to be in Court if You Choose a Collaborative Divorce

Court hearings can get messy and divorcing couples may want to avoid it if possible. Plus, trials can be expensive and may destroy a couple’s relationship. But, sometimes, divorcing spouses may not resolve all their issues by themselves. A resolution may only be possible through negotiations. With collaborative divorce, your case can be resolved without fighting in court. You can learn more about how to divorce without court battles at

You Can Include Professionals into the Process

For collaborative divorce to happen, you and your spouse must be willing and committed to working through your differences. You want to look forward to dealing with issues in your divorce civilly and productively. But, this does not mean surrendering your legal rights. Through collaborative divorce, you can talk about the issues and try to avoid court hearings. Before you consider this form of arrangement, you must ask yourself if this is truly the right option for you. But, if you believe this could work, it would provide both parties some benefits.

It is Clear What You Can Expect from the Process

To start the collaborative divorce process, you must talk to your spouse about issues in your divorce. You should have this conversation with your respective lawyers. As you go along the process, there will be negotiations between the two of you. You can choose whether to get outside help and the amount of help to get. By exchanging proposals during the process, you can get an idea of the position of your spouse as you begin negotiations. 

Often, your respective attorneys will exchange proposed versions of your separation agreement. Once they get a sense of how apart you and your spouse are, they can determine whether there is a chance to resolve your issues. Your divorce could be settled after some negotiations and end the matter quickly. 

 Moreover, the divorce process may also include other experts including divorce coaches, child custody experts, and financial advisers. These professionals want to help you dissolve your marriage without being bitter with each other. Sometimes, a mediator may also be needed to decide the issues between you two. The mediator will facilitate conversation and negotiation. 

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